De heer Prof. Dr. Ir. J.C. (Hans) Wortmann, Hoogleraar Informatie Management bij de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
The Netherlands is a service orientated country, and more and more services exist of digital components, in the consumer industry as well within the B2B market. Due to the far reaching digitalization it becomes more easy to combine services. In spite of where the services are provided. The service economy becomes a network economy. These developments are initiated by developments known as Software as a service (SaaS). Also internationally one sees SaaS as one of the most important developments in the next years.
Prof. Dr. Ir. J.C. (Hans) Wortmann
Since 2003 Hans Wortmann is professor in information management at the faculty for economics and business administration at the University of Groningen (RUG). His research focuses mainly on information systems for companies. Recently he expanded his interests to the service sector. He is chairman of the ICT Innovation Platform software-as-a-servcie. He is also editor in chief of the scientific magazine Computers in Industry,
18. März 2009
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